In this editorial article, Carlo Caponecchia and Anne Wyatt examine the negative implications of labelling an individual a "workplace psychopath". |
Caponecchia, Carlo and Anne Wyatt 2007. "The Problems With 'Workplace Psychopaths'."Journal of Occupational Health and Safety Australia and New Zealand. 23:5. Pp 403-406. |
John Fekete exposes the destructive presence of the PC movement on university campuses. Fekete carefully documents cases of false accusations and disrupted careers in Canadian univiersities. |
Joan Friedenberg presents a thorough analysis of mobbing in the academic setting. Her description of a composite case illustrates the vicious accusations and attacks brought upon targets of mobbing. |
Friedenberg, Joan E. "The Anatomy of an Academic Mobbing." Presented 11 April 2008 at the Hector Hammerly Memorial Lecture on Academic Mobbing. |
Joan Friedenberg describes the use of a consulting psychologist to fuel an impassioned mobbing. |
Friedenberg, Joan E. 2004. "Political Psychology at Southern Illinois University: the Use of an Outside Consultant for Mobbing a Professor." Workplace Mobbing in Academe: Reports from Twenty Universities. Pp. 259 – 289. Ed. Kenneth Westhues. Lewiston, New York: Edwin Mellen Press. |
In this well crafted article, John Gravois accurately describes the vicious route of an academic mobbing. |
Izzy Kalman is a Nationally Certified School Psychologist who takes a critical look at the anti-bullying movement in schools. The damage of bullying allegations apply to mobbing. |
Kalman, Izzy 2008. Bullies to Buddies. Available online at <> |
This blog, written by Izzy Kalman MS, is published online at |
Kalman, Izzy 2008. The Bully Witch-Hunt Blog. Psychology Today. Avalable online at <> |
Heinz Klatt examines the content and consequences of sexual harassment policies.
This article describes the wave of political correctness and sexual harassment policies on university campuses and the ways in which they threaten freedom. |
The case history of a mobbing target who was demonized by his aggressors.
Written tongue in cheek, this engaging and informative book provides a guide to the elimination of Prof. PITA (Pain In The Ass).
Westhues, Kenneth 1998. Eliminating Professors: A Guide to the Dismissal Process. Lewiston, New York: Edwin Mellen Press. |
A critique prepared for distribution in the Legal Conference sponsored by The Canadian Association of University Teachers |
Westhues, Kenneth 2001. "The Difficult Professor: a Pernicious Concept." Critique prepared in collaboration with Noa Davenport, Hector Hammerly, Heinz Klatt, and John Mueller for the Canadian Association of University Teachers Legal Conference, 2-3 March 2001, Ottawa.