The chapter "Family and Friends" deals with the negative impact mobbing has on a target's loved ones and offers ways family and friends can understand the situation.
Davenport, Noa, Ruth Distler Schwartz, Gail Pursell Elliott 1999. "Chapter 5 - Family and Friends: How they are Affected and How they Can Help." Mobbing: Emotional Abuse in the Workplace. Ames, Iowa: Civil Society Publishing. |
An informative description of mobbing and its health consequences for targets and their families. |
This article takes a rare look at the experiences of children of mobbing targets.
Hockley, Charmaine 2004."Mobbing: Children the Unlikely Victims." Workplace Mobbing Conference Australia, 2004. Available online through Workplace Mobbing Australia website. |
This paper examines the impact of workplace conflict on third party observers.
Hockley, Charmaine 2003. "The Impact of Workplace Violence on Third Party Victims: a Mental Health Perspective." AeJAMH: Australian e-Journal for the Advancement of Mental Health (2:2) July 2003. |
Provides information about the impact workplace bullying has on a target's family members.
Hockley, Charmaine 2002. "The Silent Third Party Victims of Workplace Bullying: Family Members." Adelaide International Workplace Bullying Conference - Skills for survival, solutions and strategies.
20–22 February 2002.
A clear and informative overview of mobbing. Ideal for friends and family members trying to graps the concept.
Another effective overview ideal for anyone interested in understanding the mobbing phenomenon.