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On the Sidelines:
Friends and Family Members

Witnessing a loved one suffer the pain and frustration that accompanies a mobbing is incredibly difficult. The resources below address issues and challenges facing friends and family members of mobbing targets.

The chapter "Family and Friends" deals with the negative impact mobbing has on a target's loved ones and offers ways family and friends can understand the situation.

Davenport, Noa, Ruth Distler Schwartz, Gail Pursell Elliott 1999. "Chapter 5 - Family and Friends: How they are Affected and How they Can Help." Mobbing: Emotional Abuse in the Workplace. Ames, Iowa: Civil Society Publishing.

An informative description of mobbing and its health consequences for targets and their families.

Duffy, Maureen and Len Sperry 2007. "Workplace Mobbing: Individual and Family Health Consequences." The Family Journal. 15:4, pp.398-407.


This article takes a rare look at the experiences of children of mobbing targets.


Hockley, Charmaine 2004."Mobbing: Children the Unlikely Victims." Workplace Mobbing Conference Australia, 2004. Available online through Workplace Mobbing Australia website.


This paper examines the impact of workplace conflict on third party observers.


Hockley, Charmaine 2003. "The Impact of Workplace Violence on Third Party Victims: a Mental Health Perspective." AeJAMH: Australian e-Journal for the Advancement of Mental Health (2:2) July 2003.


Provides information about the impact workplace bullying has on a target's family members.


Hockley, Charmaine 2002. "The Silent Third Party Victims of Workplace Bullying: Family Members." Adelaide International Workplace Bullying Conference - Skills for survival, solutions and strategies. 20–22 February 2002.

A clear and informative overview of mobbing. Ideal for friends and family members trying to graps the concept.

Westhues, Kenneth 2006. "The Unkindly Art of Mobbing". Academic Matters: the Journal of Higher Education OCUFA, Fall 2006, pp.18-19. Available online at <>.


Another effective overview ideal for anyone interested in understanding the mobbing phenomenon.


Westhues, Kenneth 2002. "At the Mercy of the Mob". OHS Canada, Canada's Occupational Health & Safety Magazine (18:8), pp.30-36. Published online at <> January 2003.