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Making Noise

The resources below shed light on the nature of whistleblowing at work and its link workplace mobbing.


A study looking at the prevalence and perceptions of whistleblowing at work.


Hostmaelingen, Andreas, Kari Severinsen & Stig Berge Matthiesen "About the link between bullying and whistleblowing at work. Findings from a Norwegian municipality sample." Presented at the Fourth International Conference on Bullying and Harassment in the Workplace. Bergen, Norway. June 28-29, 2004.

A target of mobbing recounts her experience. Of particular interest is the instance of whistleblowing that sparked the campaign against her.


Kufeldt, Kathleen 2004. "Eliminated but not Annihilated." Workplace Mobbing in Academe: Reports from Twenty Universities.Pp.331-343. Kenneth Westhues (Ed). Lewiston, New York: Edwin Mellen Press.


Brian Martin describes the process of whistleblowing and offers well-researched advice to individual whistleblowers.

Martin, Brian 1999. The Whistleblower's Handbook: How to be an Effective Resister. Charlbury, UK: Jon Carpenter; Sydney: Envirobook. Out of print from 2008, full text available online.


The concept of political jiu-jitsu is adapted to an organizational context and used to assess the tactics used by organizations against dissidents and whistleblowers.

Martin, Brian and Will Rifkin 2004. The dynamics of employee dissent: whistleblowers and organizational jiu-jitsu. Public Organization Review. Vol. 4, pp. 221-238.


This concise article dispels some common myths about whistleblowing and individual whistleblowers.


Martin, Brian 2001. Myths of whistleblowing. D!ssent. 4, Summer 2000/2001, pp. 55-56.


This book contains six personal case histories of confronting and challenging experts in different fields.


Martin, Brian (ed.) 1996. Confronting the Experts. Albany: State University of New York Press.


Stig Berg Matthiesen outlines the link between whistleblowing and bullying at work.


Matthiesen, Stig Berg 2004. "When Whistleblowing Leads to Bullying at Work". Occupational Health Psychologist. (1:1), p.3