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Ganging up to collectively humiliate and exclude an individual is normally associated with swarms of children in the schoolyard. Teachers, presumably, act responsibly and logically, intervening in such situations. Ironically, similar acts of social violence take place within the walls of the staffroom. Workplace mobbing in schools is an unfortunate reality. The resources in this section deal specifically with mobbing in educational settings.
In this article, teacher and teaching trainer Lou Spaventa offers valuable insight into the role of gossip and the danger of mobbing within an educational setting.
In this article, researcher Sona Karikova describes the process of mobbing in the educational setting and specifies ways of solving and preventing such attacks.
Written by Joseph Blase and Jo Blase, this essay is featured in the case study section of the book Workplace Mobbing in Academe edited by Kenneth Westhues.
This study, conducted by Necati Cemaloglu, examines the correlates of bullying in the educational workplace. While this article deals with bullying and not mobbing, Cemaloglu uses a broad definition of bullying and operationalizes it by using the Negative Acts Questionnaire Scale.
This article, featured by NAPTA (National Assocation for Prevention of Teacher Abuse) originally appeared in The Dallas Morning News. Shocking statements by school principals such as "sometimes you just have to humiliate them out the door," illustrate the abusive tactics used in the mobbing of teachers.
This study, conducted by Rolf van Dick and Ulrich Wagner, correlates workload and mobbing with the stress and strain among a sample of German teachers.